Article writer

Greg Gum

12/4/2023 12:03:52 PM +00:00

How Rihisi supports accessibility

Rihisi is committed to creating a great experience for all students and tutors. That is why we’re constantly researching how people with disabilities use screen access technology on our website and app, and how can we make their experience better.

Frequently asked questions

How do I turn Voiceover on and off on Rihisi?

VoiceOver is a built-in screen reader for Apple. To turn VoiceOver on or off on your Apple computer:

  1. 1. Go to System Preferences.

  2. 2. Click Accessibility.

  3. 3. Select VoiceOver from the left-side menu.

  4. 4. Click to check the box next to Enable VoiceOver. You may need to confirm that you want to turn VoiceOver on.

  5. Learn more about VoiceOver via Apple Accessibility help center.

    How can I make Rihisi appear larger on my screen?

    If you're using Rihisi on a computer, use the built-in zooming feature on your browser (example: Safari) to make the website appear larger on your screen. This will zoom in on the entire page, not just text.

    1. Hold down ctrl (PC) or command (Mac) buttons on your keyboard.

    2. Press “+” to zoom in or “-” to zoom out.

    Some web browsers like Google Chrome let you change the font size. If you need help changing the font size, check your browser's help center.

  6. If you’re experiencing any issues with accessibility when using Rihisi website, or want to share feedback, we’d love to hear from you!

    How do I report a problem with Rihisi and the assistive technology I’m using?

    Please contact our Support team, and provide us with the details of the issue, as well as the technical parameters of your device.

    What to include in your report:

    Information about your device

    • Brand

    • Model

    • Operating system

    For example: Apple iPhone 12 with iOS 14.5.1 or Google Pixel 5 with Android 11, etc

    Information about the assistive technology or assistive technology setting

    • Name

    • Version number

    • Feature you’re using

    • Information about what you were doing on Rihisi

    • Rihisi URL

    • Steps that you took when the problem occurred

    We will be happy to hear from you!